Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Things I look For

Choosing the Right Partner in Life is very Important!

I believe that everyone looks for certain qualities and Traits when choosing their Life partners, Well here are the 10 Criteria I looks for.

  1. The Person Must have a Great Smile
  2. The Person Must be Loving and Merciful
  3. The Person Must have Strong Faith
  4. The Person Must be A Leader
  5. The Person Must Love me for who I am
  6. The Person Must have Great Wisdom
  7. The Person Must Know Me Inside Out
  8. The Person Must be with me Everywhere I go
  9. The Person Must be My Strength When I am Down
  10. The Person Must be the same Day in & Day Out(Consistency)
Looking at these 10 Criteria, It seems Almost impossible to find someone like that. Hey Wait...I think I found the person Already. I just described the best partner for me.

Jesus Christ

Henry OUT