Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Birthday Post!

Today i celebrate My Birthday...YAY!!!!
Event:Me Sleeping
Ironic Twist:People Smsing me "Happy 18th Birthday!" for 1 whole hour
Possible Sequels: I slept at 1am(dunno what i am writing...HIGH!!)

That's right, i started my birthday with a "bang!", People kept messaging me during 12am, the idea of people messaging you in the middle of the night on the eve of your birthday is both Nice & Annoying(sorry but well...its true :D). I was lying on my bed ready to enter my dream world filled with unicorns and ponies(erm...=P) when i heard "Stars"(my ringtone :S) when i read my message, it was from Darrel(yeah he the 1st to wish me happy birthday,Mong was 2nd,Shi han 3rd,Audrey 4th etc...). The same procedure continued for the next hour, put yourself in my shoe, imagine you are soooooooo close to falling asleep when suddenly you hear "Stars", now don't get me wrong, "Stars" is a really nice song and all but hearing it over and over again can really get on your nerves(which is why i changed my ringtone to "Meant To Live" YEAH! >:D), but anyways THANKS EVERYONE WHO SMSED ME AT NIGHT even though you practically robbed me of 1 hour of sleep I STILL APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE :D

Today was a really special day for me as this is my 1st ever Birthday as a Christian(*Clap *Clap *Clap :P). Well the day started off rather quiet, woke up in the morning used the computer, played some songs and just enjoyed the muse(If you think its boooring...then your wrong, Its the greatest thing you can do, Enjoy music and just relax :>). At around 4.39pm, I met up with Fellow Gooner Gerald for a early dinner(lol don't ask why :D) during which we chatted about how Arsenal could still win the tittle(yes we stand a chance!) and about Gerald's late Labrador, I believe i now understand Gerald more now ;D. After KFC we went to church where Gerald allowed me to play his SUPER HIGH TECH LAPTOP!!!!, but the highlight of the whole day was The CG Meeting. Having CG meeting on my Birthday is a privilege as not only do I get to celebrate my birthday I get to worship GOD too?! Two for the price of one!(NICE!). Anyway CG was really cool today! Yassy share with us on how we can go to GOD for advice and how we should make it a Habit to to it everyday, writing this i feel more and more attached to Heart Of GOD Church now, I love the Church, its People and most of all the Presence of GOD :D

The Evolution Of The Swedish Maestro

The Defensive Forward

The Hen without The Ry

The Freshest Name in The History of Chinese Names

CAI XING XUAN(Cai xing xian=vegetable fresh)

Me when i was around...i dunno still in diapers? :D

Me at my 3rd Birthday! I look so BLUR!!!(Audrey don't laugh ;P)

My Bro Kenny & ME :D( I had another one where i had my hand in his pocket..but its too embarrassing :D)

Me and my Cousin trying to ACT COOL, Failing miserably of course XD)

This is me last year trying to ACT EMO, Will at least i am not liddat anymore :D)

Looking back at these photos, REALLY BRINGS BACK MEMORIES :D, I can hardly believe that i am 18 already this year, guess time really does fly when your BLUR lol, it seems like my childhood just flew by me and now i am already a fully fledge Young-Adult!, yeah those who are still 17 and under better start calling me Mr.Henry or there will be rebucustions(that means you Darrel >:D). Reaching the age of 18 gives me new hope so right now I am in my Peak!(dunno what that means? check the dictionary :P)



Challenger: Gerald Chan

Nicknames: Gerald "Baby Face Big Muscule" Chan

Record Number Of Push Ups: 45+

Chances of Winning: 54%

The Champion: Yong Ming Rong

Nicknames: Mong The IRON MAN(this is not commercializing for the upcoming movie)

Record Number Of Push Ups:52+

Chances of Winning:55%

The Stare Down of the Two Contestants, You can almost feel the Intensity of THIS MATCH!

The Match Begins! Both Contestants Giving their ALL!

Gerald is looking IMPRESSIVE With his Unique style of Push ups, But is this enough for him to win?

But what's this?! Mong's no slouch either! His Walrus Style Push up is surely a Deadly combination of speed and quickness!

The Intensity of this battles Rages on as both contestants don't want to lose!

Gerald has already reached 23+ push ups now!

But Steal My Bananas Mong Is up to 43 push ups already! IMPRESSIVE! That walrus style is suiting him fine!

Fatigue seems to be catching up with Gerald as he's perspiring heavily!

But Mong continues with an Edgy "is that all you got look"! the Heart of a Champion is unrivaled!

Who Wins This Epic Battle? Vote now!

Izit The Charismatic Challenger Gerald?


The Steel Will Of Iron Man Mong?

Out of the Blue Mong took something out of his bag!

Mong Slipped me a mysterious envelope, hmmm...wonder what it could be?

Oh! its a birthday card!! yeah!! :D(don't ask me why i am so hyped up about a card, i just am :D)

Wow its from Mong, Yassy and Roy!, Thanks guys really love the Card!:)

Ok to end my day with a high note, My mom just told me that she is going to buy me a birthday present either tomorrow or saturday...SWEET!!! Thanks Mong and Gerald for being so supportive of the photoshoot you guys rock! :D

Ok gtg :D

Birthday Boy Henry OuT

Quiet Time+Birthday+Fun+CG Meeting=Happy Henry :D