Saturday, May 3, 2008

Prosperity With A Purpose

One of the dangers of prosperity is that some people have prosperity without a purpose.

Prosperity without purpose
Influence without integrity
wealth without wisdom
Passion without compassion
Energy Without Enthusiasm

Prosperity Becomes an end instead of a means.
They have cash to live with but no cause to die for.
They have finance but no focus.

People who pursue Prosperity without Purpose will soon be disillusioned because they will not find the happiness for which they had hoped to find.
And consequently, they will become sidelined with greed and selfishness.

*Prosperity is not just about money or wealth
*Prosperity is not seeking things before seeking God.
*Prosperity is not measured by what one possesses.
*Prosperity is not proof of one's righteousness.
*Prosperity is not proof of one's level of faith.
*Prosperity is not sacrificing integrity for financial gain.
*Prosperity is not loving money at the expense of loving God.

The above are the notes given to us on1st of Maybe 2008 aka Labour Day. These notes are so powerful as it tells us the Positive & Negative impacts of Wealth on a person, And how we can avoid and change our self from them. Its a Blessing to have such great Pastors in Heart Of GOD Church :D, There are more to the notes but i can't type them out nicely here XD but feel free to sms or msn me if you wanna know more :)

Birthday Gift form my Parents. YAY!

I forgot why i took this shot, But the shoes look the same lol!

MDIS Lecture Room G102, Pay no Attention to the Words on the Seat :)

Gift From Audrey, MACHO DOG! His name is BUDDY :D

Me yesterday, Wow The glow effect took out my cake and the book give by Wah Wah(that's her name):D

Thanks for the Gifts guys :D

Henry OT