Sunday, November 16, 2008


Moment of the day: Roy Tangras Presenting the $150 Addidas voucher to C1 Soccer team.
Man of the Match: Jeremy Ong
Play of the Game: Jason's Awesome Penalty Save
Highest part of the Day: Everyone in C1 & C3 united under one banner cheering for C1 Soccer Team.

Definitely one of the most Awesome Days in Heart of God Church! Firstly Pastor Preached an Awesome Sermon about "Real Man", what is a Real Man? He is someone who takes Responsibility for his Actions, I totally Loved the Sermon! I'm so gonna get the CD! Waaah!! Love it! I want to Be a Real Man! Adam caused the fall of Humanity when he failed to take responsibility of teaching Eve on God's Commandment to not eat from the Tree of Life, But Jesus Saved Humanity when he embraced the cross during Calvary and when he took responsibility for all of the sins of Humanity, In short, Jesus is The Man of All Man! He is the Best Man To every live! My God is Awesome! The youths of this generation is our Responsibility! I won't Let that Fat Balding Tatoo Covered Oily Smelly Disgusting 30 something Old Man get Them! The Youths Belong To Jesus!

Secondly, The Worship and Praise today was so Powerful! I felt like the worship could have gone on for hours! it was amazing! The presence of God was so Real and the whole auditorium had the atmosphere of Faith! The Praise was Awesome also! We Jumped and Jumped and Jumped till we could not jump no more! Jason Jumped! Desmond Jumped! Everyone Jumped! it was So Cool! Phenomenal is truly Phenomenal!

Voucher! and don't Worry C3! I think JO won't mind sharing his share of the voucher to buy socks for everyone very Thirdly, The "Strike It!" Competition was Really a big Success! C1 won the $150 Addidashaha :P but more importantly, Seeing Raven 18 in Heart of God Church, Wow Amazing, 4D really Works! Even though they didn't Directly say it, I can tell that everyone in Raven 18 enjoyed themselves thoroughly from the sparkle in their eyes and their Genuine Laughter :) and during "Strike It" there was a Captains ball competition! I played captain in the First match and I was Terrible at it haha! but the second match I think I did much better :D hehBHB seh! anyways! During the Finals! C1 & C3 Came together and Cheered for the C1 soccer team which consisted of Jem tan, JO, Jason & Nat, Haha JO scored an Incredible 7 Goals! and Jason Made Crucial and Brilliant Saves to allow them to reach a final score of 8:2! Haha! It's the Record Score! Confirm! haha! and During the Finals! We were So Noisy that the Ref's had to constantly Ask us to shut up! haha! but we can't help it if we Love Our Soccer Boys What! We want them to know we are behind them! haha! It was truly an Awesome Sight, a large group of roughly 20+ people wearing the same Jersey Jumping and Cheering their Hearts(Throats) out!

A Powerful Sermon, Awesome Praise and Worship, C1 Winning the Strike It Competition, Raven 18 Coming to hoGc and having everyone's picture taken. This is no doubt the best day of My Life. I love HOGC 2.0, and C1 C3 2.0, More Pictures Coming Soon! Koon and Pan are sleeping! so they can't send me the pictures! haha but warning! Next post shall be called "a picture Speaks a thousand words when the person is too lazy to type!"

Henry OUT