Saturday, December 27, 2008

Think about Others, Pray for Others

Service was Really Powerful yet Again! haha I think that's my template for every weekend post! every weekend say the same thing! so monotonous haha! but really it was super zai! Pastor How preached about Faith and Healing, it was really powerful, but what was more powerful was that one of the Adult members of Heart of God Church had gotten Cancer, but through the Divine healing of God and the Love of Pastors and her CG mates, she was Healed from it.

Her Testimony is super inspiring and impactful, I could feel Faith arising within in as we watched the Video, I was touched to hear what her CG mates did for her, they would drive her from destination to destination, buy her a New CD player when her old one was spoiled, pray for her and they even bought her a Ipod Mano(unsure of Spelling), after the testimony Pastor asked us to pray for healing to be either upon us or on our Loved ones, and as we prayed, I could feel the Assurance of God telling me that Ah Koon will be Healed :)

Off topic of the Service now, during Dinner, I was discussing the movie twilight with everyone in the CG and it turns out that I AM THE ONLY PERSON WHO THINKS THAT BELLA SWAN IS PRETTY! ARGH! how can that be?! She is pretty what!(Compose youself....compose yourself...) haha I won't spend alot of time writing an essay on why I think Bella is pretty because its literally obvious that she is Pretty!(Admit it Winifred she IS Preeeeettttty!) so I believe Picture speak louder than words(De ja vu!) so I will post a picture and you decide if she is pretty anot, And hopefully you make the right decision
ah because She is very pretty ah! so please say that she's pretty ah!

Henry OUT

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