Friday, May 30, 2008


An amazing service was given today, WOW! absolutely Mind Blowing! The presence of God was just so overwhelming today! And we learnt about how the Holy Spirit can help us to save our friends and let them know Christ!

All I can say about service today is that I was both physically and mentally drained after it...COOL! this was the first time I had ever experience this feeling, last time after service all I can feel is just an ach on either my left or my right shoulder. But after today's service, I felt like I just ran a marathon! My legs were wobbly, My hands were Shaky and I almost lost my voice(lol almost everyone in the CG had the same experience :D) and you know what? I FELT GREAT!

I don't know what the reason is exactly, but feeling physically and mentally drained made me emotionally pumped up! I was super happy! I don't know why?! I just felt like smiling and smiling and smiling!(I think I'm losing it :D) I really enjoy the feeling of praising and worshipping God with all you have, so much that I plan to set the standard that if I don't feeling physically or mentally drained, I was not truly worshipping God(quite high right? ha ha I know)

After Service, Mong gathered the CG and we discussed about how we feel today's service had impacted us, I was pleasantly surprised that almost everyone felt the way I did on today's service! We all agreed that today's service gave us a revelation and a breakthrough!(NICE!:D)

Overall Today's Service is Superb! and those who missed it can cry me a river! that's how good it is!(don't really do it...I don't want to flood my house :D) And those who are interested in knowing what I learnt? Just ask me through Sms Or MSN :)

Gerald and Audrey, Yeah! MONG SIGN!

A Friend Like me?! Wow I am so Shameless haha :D

Who Made This Mess?!

Me and Guess Who :D...Correct Guesses are not rewarded :P

The Arsenal Dudes showing that Twisting is still Cool :D

Henry Pumped OUt!