Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Picture again?! YEAH!

Yo! Waddup! this is blog is turning out to be a picture gallery haha, mainly because I am too lazy to type and pictures speak lik a million words, so just check the pictures out and enjoy them :D we took alot of effort trying to take them, so HAHA! :)
BackGround Story: OK so here's the story, Alvin, Gerald, Pan, Ming Jian & Me went to play LAN at Gaming Giant! SO we played from 1-5pm(WOW! LONG! :P). After LAN we went to PlazaSing to go buy a Present for "someone"(CANNOT TELL! TELL THEN SUPRISE GONE WHO's FAULT?! oh ya mine...LOL!). After that Alvin, Gerald and I went Crazy at Carrefour, literally! WE bought lots of food! pizza, sushi, fried rice, chicken cutlet and much more! we acted like we never seen food before haha!
After eating we had this Sudden Random Idea to go Stayover at either Alvin's or Gerald's House, however I could not make it as my mom would not allow it(Awwwww...) But luckily we manage to find a loop hole! so off we go to Jurong! ok the next few events are really skecthy because by that time I was at around 70% sleep ready but somehow we managed to go outside of church and well...the rest is History haha! :D

A random shot, LOL PAN! WHAT THE?!

The Feast We Bought At Carrefour!(I got spelling problems :P)
Alvin Looks Ready to eat! :D

Gerald Loves His Sushi :D
Gerald Rocking the Guitar! NICE :)
On the way to Singpost!
Woah! Living Proof that i can't remember anything! haha!
Our 1st attempt at a Emo Shot
Our 2nd Attempt At taking a Emo shot
The Final Product!
The Emo three Walking into the Dawn of tommorrow!
HAHA! Shadow shot!

Alvin Declaring the Oath!

GERALD's Super Hyper Super Cute Dog JACK!

Permission given by Gerald to post this!

WOW! What a week this has been, And its only half way through! but better enjoy this week for as long as I can for starting next week, AE is starting and there is this new study rule that says we must study for at least 8hours or we would not be allowed to go to chruch! NICE! :D