Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Numero Uno times 10

Responsibility comes with Maturity.

Yeah! Finally Post Number 100! whoooo! Was looking back at all 99 past posts and I noticed that during these past 7 months, Many Events had happened. Reading all the past post really made me appreciate everything I have now. I wonder what my life & my blog would be like 7 months ago if I had not went to Heart of God Church.

Maybe I would still be sitting at home every weekend wasting my time in front of the computer playing Mindless computer Games, Or maybe I would not have retaken my 'O' levels and could be waiting to go to Army already. One things for sure, If Ong Shi han had not invited me to Heart of God church on the 21st of March, or I had Backed Out on the day, My Life would not be what it is today. Full of Hope, Faith & Love.

Ever Since I became a Christian, My Friends have been asking what a miracle is, That if God could produce Miracles then why don't we all just sit down and not eat or drink for 10 days straight, and if we survive then that would be considered a Miracle, and since its humanly impossible to do that, then there are no such things as Miracles.

In the past, I would be unable to answer the question as I did not know the Answer(Haha I guess it's Payback for what I did to shi han). So whenever I tried inviting them to Church, they would say that they will only come to Church if I can Answer their question of what a Miracle is. And Now I can answer it.

A Miracle is Seeing a Person Respond during Altar Core and taking a step of Faith, A Miracle is seeing a person Change for the better after knowing Jesus Christ, A Miracle is Seeing a person Stay Faithful and Loyal to God regardless of the insults or attacks, A Miracle is What you Perceived it to be. You can either spend your life searching for Miracles, or Live Life like it is Already a Miracle.

That's My Answer.

Henry OUT