Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Coolest People

What would you choose? Your Dreams or Your Misson.

These are the coolest people I had ever known.

Thanks for Everything! you guys Rock my Life!

Thinking back a few months(3months to be exact :D) I could never have dreamed that every single one of these individuals can make such a lasting impact on my life. In the past I would wonder how much better my life would be if I could live alone in a barren island where I would be isolated away from the world and all the backstabbers and pretenders, but now I wonder what my life would be if I could not listen to one of Mong's Trademark Jokes or Gerald's "right..." (which up to now I still have no idea whether he means it sarcastically or was being truthful lol) so yeah, I thank God for the family that he has blessed me with be it New or Old, Blood or no Blodd, Close or not close, Funny or unfunny, Full of emotions or unemotional(the list can go on...) and I bless that every single one of them be able to fufill their dreams! AMEN!

Henry OUT.