I can only Imagine the day I see Jesus Face to Face.
Monday, June 30, 2008
God Knows My Name! Amaaazing!
The Creator Of the Universe Knows the Name of Every star he has created, But guess what? He knows you name too! How Awesome is that?
This is just going to be a super short post, why? because I lost my touch in blogging....so I am now going to go to a corner and start sulking my life away praying that my mojo(blogging mojo that is :D) will come back to me but will of course fail for my attempts are futile leaving me in such a depress state eating watermelons for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
NAH! of course not haha! I am a happy-go-lucky-sometimes-blur kind of guy. Alright got two major points I need to stress right now, so i shall do what my English teacher & part time secondary school nemesis Mrs. Audrey Kong taught me to do...and that is to...erm...gimme a minute ah...(wah I forgot what she taught me! CHAOS! waaah!)
Never mind! I do things differently now, ok number one of the two major points is that, I NEED GLASSES! Seriously! those who know me well would have a pretty clear idea of why I need glasses.(if you don't know me well, then ok here's why :D) I have what some would call(mostly Gerald lol) People Identification Problems. What is People Identification Problem(or PIP for short) you ask? well its a syndrome where by the person has difficulty identifying people from afar and sometimes up close(though its on rare occasions) What so special about PIP? Easy! PIP patients have no problems identifying objects and places at all! though on some occasions they do tend to misunderstand questions but that's out of the point :D
So yeah, Recently I have been Diagnosed with PIP and to say the truth I am quite happy! Maybe I can get Downgraded for Army or something! Seeing that I have identification problems they might have to excuse me for firearms as I might shoot my Officer instead of the enemy. haha! :D
The Second point I want to say is that, GOD KNOWS MY NAME! and you know what's the best part? HE Knows YOUR Name too!Amazing no? The creator of the universe and all who inhabit it knows every single one of us, from the number of hairs on you to the number of cells on your body! and he does not stress about what you have done in the past for in his eye's you are perfect the way you are, and his only concern is to bring out the best in you and use you to help build his glorious kingdom. So when you are worried about what he has installed for you in the future, Worry not! for whatever he is planning for you, it will definitely be Wonderful!
And for those who really think I have PIP, don't worry! Its only a made up syndrom! haha :D Now Time for some pictures! yay! ahahaha :)
The View of Church from my House, though the weather was not ideal It still looks Nice! :D Gerald and Me, Or should I say TaiLung and POH! haha :) Mong improvising on Ziyan's bag or should i say pouch haha Another Wrestling Picture Taken! but this time Seahster is being assualted by Amazing Hong Bin, Triple G and O.S.H!
Why be afraid of doing Stupid things? They leave the biggest mark in your life :)
I was just browsing My Computer on My Computer(Yeah its the place I was browsing) when I came across this folder called My Videos(Windows got alot of MY deh, so bo bian lor). Being slightly curious & gong at the moment I decided to open the folder, and to my deepest and utmost Horror! I found.......
RAVEN MVNumero UNO!(that's one in Spanish)
Stunned and immobilized(why was I shocked? hmm...) I stared at the screen for 15minutes, I only managed to snap out of it when my arch nemesis K-Doh came running in and threaten to use his Attic Blast and Super Transformalizer Thingy to change me into a statue and send the video to the president of Singapore and making him laugh like there is no tomorrow! OK if you believed what I typed, you need to get your brains checked...Seriously.
What really happened was that my brother Kenny came in and said in his best Cuban accent "Eh you Henry, If you don't stop staring at the screen, I make you stare at the floor kaddish?!" So yeah I snapped out of my daze so that I can stop listening to my Bro's funny accent that actually sounds more Japanese then Cuban, what are the odds on that?(2:1 actually...quite high)
I bet you can guess what I did next.
If you guessed that I opened a Can of Whoop-Butt(no swearing on my blog :D) on my brother, then like I said before, GET YOUR BRAINS CHECKED! Why in the world would I open a Can of you know what to my you know who for, I mean all he did was just make a nuisance of himself, I do it all the time(haha!)
OK back to the story(sorry for going off track, just took my medicine so a tee bit whoosy hehe [*.*]) so I watched the video and well, I got a great laugh at it because well 1. its stupid 2. its practically impossible to see the faces 3. All this is my brain child(sadly my brain is only good for these things haha!) And if your part of the video, I can assure you, Smiling is not something you can negotiate about, why? Because you see yourself doing something stupid 1 year ago! haha! that's right this video that we made was taken like exactly 1 year ago(1 year 2months and 3 days to be exact) and looking back, boy's we looked so much more Handsome, Fit and of course Gong! haha Look at ah Koon so fit sia! and Shi han hair so short not like you man hah! then still got Azri who is our Eric Cantona, oh ya! Xin and his trademark turnaround haha!
*Sigh...* Those were the really really fun days. We practically played soccer every Saturday and Sunday, in fact we loved soccer and each other's company so much that we did overtime and played on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday(We got Friday off, but still play sometimes :D). We had laughs and of course sorrows, like the Zam incident(though that was funny for you guys lol). That was the Golden Age of Raven 18 soccer club, Where 6 crazy Dudes decided on a hot blistering Saturday that they are going to form a soccer team to compete in the NSSL(National Street Soccer League) some would say that these 6 dudes were suffering from heatstroke, some would say they are Pursuing their dreams, but I say, they were both pursuing their dreams and suffering from hearstroke(Serious the weather was hot sia!)
Days, Months and now Years go by, and we look back at this once glorious Stable, what do we see and remember the most? well I still remember curling the ball with my outside foot and almost scoring past Koon, But do most of my teammates remember? Nah, They're too busy remembering their own Glory Moments(true what! like you all expect me remember any of your glory moment liddat! of course I remember my own la!) But I believe that every single teammate would remember the day we defeated Team Impossible, man that day was crazy. It was like a rivalry Game where by Team Impossible played Mind Games with us by avoiding the challenge time after time, But the amazing thing was not that we won, but rather how everyone still can remember the feeling of Winning against them! and how we celebrated by taking a picture and jumping as though we won the World Cup, Pretty Stupid eh?
So what's my point you ask? Easy. Everyone can remember themselves doing stupid things, because when you do stupid things, You are actually showing the real You. You are not hiding behind layers of false personalites trying to please your peers, No! When you do Stupid things, your doing it because you want to do it and you enjoy doing it. Plus, the only time you find yourself doing stupid things is when you feel comfortable with your surroundings and your friends. So let's all start doing stupid things together again Ravens, Because we will never know when Raven 18 might just go away...
Raven 18picture takenon june 30th
The Fun Shot!Look at how short My HairWAS! HAHA
The Formal Shot, Notice Iam the only one smiling :D
Edited Photo of Shi Han taking a Free Kick...NICE!
And of course, TheFormal shot at ourHome Ground, Long KANG!
I hope this satisfy my critic(you know who you are >:D) who has been constanly complaining that I post too many photos, and that I should write more. Well your wish has been granted. yay! :D
Yo!More Pictures again! yeah I know what your thinking, and yeah whatever you are thinking its true(not exactly....)maybe i should stop using the prhase "A picture's worth a thousand words" as an excuse for not writing. I think I'm just having a bloggers block(A.K.A lazy to think and type at the same time)But no worries though! I will returnBetter!Stronger!and of courseRefreshed!haha!Just watch me! oh and it took me like 45mins to upload all these pics and videos, I think somethings wrong with blogger, I was like happily uploading my 27pictures one by one when all of a sudden the whole windowCLOSEDon me. So yeah my reaction was to jump around the room like a mad monkey, so in the end I only managed to get these pictures up, the rest are still in my computer(you want them? ask from me nicely :D) OK enjoy the photos! this might be the last time you see soooooooo many photos in my blog! So Treasure It Well and remember!BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH OR THINK FOR!mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha(Sedistic laughter continues into the night waking my parents up and me getting send to my room to repent on blaming my laziness to blog on other people.)
Triple Ggetting Assualted bySeahster Mongsterand the Amazing Hong Ping! UNOSTACKO!Very Nice! :D GX Lao DA!Being protected by BodyGuardsPan AndDaniel,I dunno whyRuo enin the picture haha LookingSmart, Cool And Very Good! Blazersfound at This Fashion! Zi YanSan Lian Pai #3! #2! NICE! :D Ok Guess he found it abitLame at #3 haha
Mong Eating Something,Trust me you don't wanna know :D Lol This was veryRandom :P Mong wu lian Pai! #1 Wow looking good #2! Abit Blur, But still nice! #3! lol classic! #4! And Last but not least! #5!Yo Winifred! Smile! your on Camera!
Eugene demonstratingthe Correct way todrink KFC Beverages GERALD! SMILE! YEAH NICE HAHA Smiling brings the best out ofsomeone, don't you agree? Geuss not...haha :P
Eugene's Flip up, This takes a lot of athletic ability!
My Bro Kenny Cai Xing Yan is turning 21 tomorrow! AMAZING SIA! I mean yeah he's Growing up what so amazing about that right?! NOT RIGHT! WAH! I can't even string these words right anymore haha, anyway what I am trying to say that its not everyday that someone close to you turns 21, its really a special day.
I still remembered the good o' days where I was Choking the life out of Kenny with a Body-Sleeper while he retaliated with a unique move called the Kennedy Hook Hold(A version like the Ankle Lock but done inverted) Ah...What fun we had last time(It is fun! Go try ah!)
But of course good things must always come to a end, and it did when he went into the Army last year...well he got busier and is not able to spend as much time with us as he used to, so yeah I really miss the wrestling days.(I promise myself that I would not cry T>T)
Well Kenny heres a personal Message to you(Warning Mushy Content!)
OK, Bro yeah I know you for my whole life(DUH!) but of course it makes me feel proud of you when I look back and seen how you have changed from a childish immature and bad tempered boy to a Responsible Intellectual and Mature Young Adult, I know I may not be the older brother and the roles really should be reverse, but Just want to let you know that you may not be the Best Big Brother in the world but your the only Big Brother I want in the whole world, I love you and God Bless your Heart.
Yo! Waddup! this is blog is turning out to be a picture gallery haha, mainly because I am too lazy to type and pictures speak lik a million words, so just check the pictures out and enjoy them :D we took alot of effort trying to take them, so HAHA! :) BackGround Story: OK so here's the story, Alvin, Gerald, Pan, Ming Jian & Me went to play LAN at Gaming Giant! SO we played from 1-5pm(WOW! LONG! :P). After LAN we went to PlazaSing to go buy a Present for "someone"(CANNOT TELL! TELL THEN SUPRISE GONE WHO's FAULT?! oh ya mine...LOL!). After that Alvin, Gerald and I went Crazy at Carrefour, literally! WE bought lots of food! pizza, sushi, fried rice, chicken cutlet and much more! we acted like we never seen food before haha! After eating we had this Sudden Random Idea to go Stayover at either Alvin's or Gerald's House, however I could not make it as my mom would not allow it(Awwwww...) But luckily we manage to find a loop hole! so off we go to Jurong! ok the next few events are really skecthy because by that time I was at around 70% sleep ready but somehow we managed to go outside of church and well...the rest is History haha! :D
A random shot, LOLPAN!WHAT THE?!
The Feast WeBought At Carrefour!(I got spelling problems :P)
Alvin Looks Ready to eat! :D
Gerald LovesHis Sushi :D
Gerald Rockingthe Guitar! NICE :) On the way toSingpost! Woah! Living Proof that i can'tremember anything! haha! Alvin!LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!ITS...Gerald? Our 1st attempt at aEmo Shot Our 2nd Attempt At taking aEmo shot The FinalProduct! The Emo three Walkinginto the Dawn of tommorrow! HAHA!Shadow shot!
Alvin Declaring the Oath!
GERALD's Super Hyper Super Cute Dog JACK!
Permission given by Gerald to post this!
WOW! What a week this has been, And its only half way through! but better enjoy this week for as long as I can for starting next week, AE is starting and there is this new study rule that says we must study for at least 8hours or we would not be allowed to go to chruch! NICE! :D
Can you Guess What this is? haha correct Guess got Prize!
Woah! Pan And Daniel! Style :) Pan looks abit scary lol :P L.O.L! :D
His name is Mong, Just Mong...lol Mong WantsYou! To join something! :D Hey! its Pan & Mong? AH! now its Clearer! Looking Good Guys! :D Its Daniel and Pan, btw if you think its a creepy lady doing mong's sign there dun worry, its just pan's shirt and my hand haha!! :D Wad is scaring Mong?!
Ooo...its this very nice picture that I took...lol! :PSmile Mong! Your on Henry's CamerA! I think that's me in a Beanie...not too sure though :D WAH! Pan why so Angry! you promoting the Incredible Hulk movie?! The Amazing Mong Balancing a Crushed Can, Faith and Sucess!
Mong and Pan doing BM, oh ya They did a superb Job on the Drain!
The Photo Taken Today! some were not able to take it though...awww..eh Fab was still carrying Aggy's Bags!
I am 19 years Old, I stay in the intersection between Bedok, Eunos and Ubi. I love Heart of God Church, the Cai Clan and everything Chickenish. I am learning to be more Independant, so yeah Pray for me :)