Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Laughter is always the best medicine, why? Because its free and effective.

Hey! Long time no see, Thought you lost my link haha :) Anyways just a short post about what I recently Discovered! Smiling and Laughing Are Natural Antidotes to Common problems like Sadness, Depression, Unhappiness and Emoness!(actually all the same, but who cares!)

Surprised at what I found? Me TOO! Can you believe that when you smile you actually feel more confident and give people the feeling that you like them thus causing you to have a higher chance of meeting new people and making new friends and curing you of being lonely! Amazing! :D

When you Laugh! you feel happy and a warm feeling consumes your body giving you a warm fuzzy feeling in you heart that not only tells other that you are comfortable around them, but also that you like being with them! thus curing you of low self-esteem and emoness! haha! Wow!

So the next time you ever feel negative feelings, just smile and laugh! you won't believe what it can do to you! and when you had gone through a bad day, Just remember about your friends who love and care for you! and that after going through a bad day, it can only get better tommorrow! :D

HENRY out.


Small Clip which always cheers me up, Enjoy :)